Mito controversial Malkionita!!!

Write haof XML files: Zzabur <zzabur_at_...>
Fecha: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 19:07:28 +0000

NOTA: Este es un mito de la iglesia Aeoliana (Henoteistas o Stygianos??); viene con un write-up del culto, pero no viene al caso. Extirpe, ademas, todo lo relativo a Orlanth y Arkat, eso se los debo para la proxima =) (y no se quejen, que lo mas interesante esta aca). Que lo disfruten!


Aerlit was a Kolati in the host of Vadrus the Woman-Taker, and when raging and searching with his brethren Kolati, he came upon a sea-nymph basking in Yelm's light on the shore. Instead of taking her by force, as was the wont of the Vadrudi, he fell in love with her grace and courted her. Their courtship was neither hard nor long, for Warera was pleased by the advances of the Storm god. Aerlit carried her into his airy realm, and together they flew to an island in the west. Forgotten were his brethren and their quest for wives, as Aerlit and Warera gazed into each other's faces. They made themselves a home, and the fruit of their love, a boy which became known as Malkion arrived at the proper time.

But alas their luck could not last. Vadrus and his host fell upon the peaceful island to rape and to pillage. When Vadrus found the young couple, he bellowed in rage, for had not Aerlit betrayed his host and deserted them? Aerlit valiantly stepped between his former chieftain and his young wife, although he knew he would not stand a chance. Right he was, for Vadrus in his rage tore him apart, before he fell upon the unlucky daughter of Wartain's tribe. Luckily young Malkion had wandered off, and was not present when his parents fell under Vadrus' blows. After Vadrus had vented his anger, he gathered his host and moved on. Malkion was left on his own, without anybody knowing of his existence.

Although only a baby alone in a hostile world, Malkion had inherited his parents' powers, and he made it into the Kingdom of Logic, where he learned of Creator and his laws.The child's advent to the Kingdom of Logic was memorable: In a basket spanned with hide, and with a sail hanging from a broomstick he was carried by friendly waves, relatives of his mother, and driven by gentle winds, of his Grandfather's tribe.The people of the Kingdom of Logic adopted the boy, and taught him their ways. They lived in a region that was designed by the Creator to reflect all of creation. There exist few such regions in Glorantha, all of which are special to the Creator. The people of the Kingdom of logic were the result of the Creator's use of the Man Rune, a people that did not know mortality, for death had not yet entered the world. They did not worship the gods, either, instead acknowledging them as representatives of single elements the same way they themselves were composed of all the elements, the synthesis of Creation.

They called the child Malkion, and taught him their ways they had learned from the Creator, when he had visited the world and created them.The child grew up in the Kingdom of Logic, and although he learned the ways of Logic, he still felt attracted to the pure elements. Thus he chose his wives from the elements. From the first of his wives were born three sons, and to each of them he gave one third of his powers: Talar inherited his mastery, Zzabur his magic, and Horal his prowess in the arts of conflict. Each of them took a wife among the people of Logic, and their descendants each clung to the profession their ancestor was given by Malkion.

Later Malkion undertook the Great Marriage with the land, and from this union issued Dronal, the provider.

When Malkion returned to his mother's element, he met a maiden from the Ludoch merfolk, and from their love sprang Waertag, ancestor of the people living on the back of sea-dragons, in cities built among their living spikes.The two peoples grew in friendship, and although the descendants of Waertag were obstinate in their worship of ancestral water deities, only superficially accepting the Logic of their purebread human allies.

The Kingdom of Logic thrived, and Malkion received the Blessing of Communication with the Invisible God through his Spirit. Malkion spread his enlightenment, and the people of the Kingdom of Logic, many of them his descendants, accepted the new creed, which helped them to deal with the consequences the struggle in the world.

The people of Malkion experienced the Dawn with troubles. The Rules of Malkion, which had kept their existance before Time's birth, suddenly failed to care for their need of Solace. Only after a full turn of the cycle the Invisible God revealed himself again through the Spirit, this time to the Talar Hrestol.

But when Hrestol preached his revelation, part of the people of Malkion dissented, led by Zzabur, the second son of the prophet. Zzabur held that if the people remained outside time, by refusing to reproduce, they could remain in the state of the Kingdom of Logic. He took most of his followers with him to Brithos, and after this homeland they are called Brithini. They deny themselves Life, Change and Solace.

Prince Hrestol instead propagated new freedom. While he didn't destroy the classes the Invisible God had reawakened in Malkion, he modified them, and he introduced the concept of Chivalry. His new Creed took over the ancient colonies in Seshnela and Akem, and only in Arolanit the old Way of the Five was held up.

The Waertagi sided erroneously with the half-brother of their ancestor, and they kept the humans from braving the sea, except where they were aided by friendly merpeople, as was the case in Kethaela.

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