
Write haof XML files: Javier Amor García <javier.amor_at_...>
Fecha: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 22:10:06 +0000

> >Javier Amor Garc�a? No estoy seguro de qui�n coment� esto...
> >Con mi sistema tambi�n considero runas primarias y secundarias
> >en cierto sentido. Aquella runa que es m�s importante en la
> >definici�n de un ser aparece repetida.
> >Las menos importantes no se repiten.

    No esto no lo dije yo. Fue el Mester

> >No se si te servira pero recuedo lo siguiente:
> > -Si la runa aparece doblada en el culto es que es su actual
> > poseedor
> > -Si la runa aparece junto a la runa del infinito el dios es su
> > origen.

> No recordaba eso pero no estoy obligando a usar mis reglas, s�mplemente
>me gusta como quedaron y c�mo pueden aplicarse en diversas circunstancias.


> Respecto a lo de la runa doblada para el actual poseedor y junto a la
<runa de infinito para el poseedor original... pues a mi no me gusta (y lo
>que no me gusta....LO CAMBIO).

Claro que s�, yo tambien cambio lo que no me gusta. En este concreto no coincidimos, a mi me gusta el sistema de 2 runas para al poseedor. La consecuencia logica de tener 2 runas para indicar que tiene una fuerte conexion a la runa en cuestion es pasar a Dioses con 3, 6 ,16 runas indicando su grado de conexion

> Por cierto �son reglas oficiales?, si lo son:
> - �Por qu� en El Caos Primordial s�lo aparece la runa del caos? no
>deber�a ser caos+infinito?
> - �Por qu� en El Hombre Astado aparece esp�ritu+esp�ritu en lugar
>esp�ritu+infinito? (poseedor original)

Esta extrido de un mensaje de Sandy Petersen al RQ Daily  Respecto al Caos Primordial dice que cada Caos tiene sus propias fuentes; si tenemos en cuenta la naturaleza de perpetuo cambio y exterior a Glorantha de caos esta afirmacion tiene bastante sentido. En cambio no explica porque el Hombre Astado no tiene la runa del infinito. Yo propongo q esto es debido a q la conexion del H.A. como fuente de la runa del espiritu fue mutilada debido a las acciones del Hombre del Saco ... digo del Hombre Perverso.

> Yo prefiero usar la runa de infinito para definir a ciertos seres
>inmortales o para dioses especialmente relevantes como Arachne Solara (para
>m� ser�a infinito+infinito+dominio+dominio+magia+magia...y ya me he pasado
>porque he puesto 6 runas, bueno, al fin y al cabo es la m�s grande de los
>grandes dioses).

Si yo tambien estoy de acuerdo con esto. Las posible interpretaciones de la runa del infinito pareada, son indicadas por SP.

  1. o bien es la actual poseedora de la fuente de la runa del infinito habiendo tenido otro origen
  2. o bien como la runa del infinito indica origen ella es la poseedora y origrn de la runa del infinito.

Paco Aznar:
> 2) Aplicamos un n�mero reducido de Runas, como cuando hemos
> definido a los elfos con Hombre+Vegetal (y ni Alyrodri ha
> protestado, con lo que supongo que es casi oficial!!!)
> Y para los humanos nos inventamos cualquier "pareja" que
> no desentone... como la Armon�a o la runa del Dominio...
> (y entramos en una discursi�n que no tendr� fin...)

    Lo dek dorminio y armonia desentonan totalmente.

De nuevo el Mester:
 > Si quereis una pareja de runas yo votar�a por "hombre+hombre"

No me parece correcto, la runa del hombre designa cierta configuracion fisica e intelectual que a sus poseedores les hace "distintos" de los animales. (poseedores de la runa animal). Nada hace pensar que sean la primera de estas formas, tengan la exclusividad de ella o sean los mejores ejemplares.
Por ello el ser humano no es mas merecedor de la runa del hombre que trolls, elfos o patos.
Naturalmente que la runa del hombre y del animal no son autoexclusivas. (fijate en los hombres bestias).
A mi no se me ocurre que pareja de runas ponerles a los humanos, pero si tuviese q forzosamente elegir una pondria, hombre + muerte; ya que el abuelo mortal fue el primero en probarla. Se que esta afirmacion es discutible pero es lo mejor q se me ocurre.

A continuacion reproduzco el mensaje de SP sobre las runas:

NERAL RULE: Most Runes have a particular god who is the Source or Origin. Sub-runes probably have the origin god as their Source. Minor Runes may not have Sources, because if they were destroyed, the universe would not be destroyed along with it (unlike the Major Runes).

 If a deity has the infinity Rune, it means that it is the original source of the other cult Rune from the Godtime, and always has been (example, Flamal & the Plant Rune). If a cult simply has one Rune twice (like Humakt & the Death Rune), then it means that that deity is now the Source, but was not during the Godtime.

 For Runes & sub-Runes which aren't named in the general RQ Rules, example gods from GoG who possess it are listed, so you can look up the Runes and see what they look like.

ELEMENTAL RUNES: it is rare for a cult to have two elemental Runes (can't think of one, off-hand, besides Wachaza), though it is not too uncommon to have one major elemental rune, and then a sub-rune on the side (like Dendara). 0

DARKNESS: origin = Subere (in Godtime, 'twas Dame Darkness). Has the two sub-runes of Shadow and Cold.
 Gorgorma shows Shadow. Valind shows Cold.

WATER: origin = Magasta (in Godtime, 'twas Sir Sea). Might possibly have sub-runes like the other elementals, but if so it didn't lose them during the Gods War.
EARTH: origin = Ernalda (in Godtime, twas Empress Earth). Doesn't exactly have sub-runes, but is subdivided into Malign Earth and Benign Earth forms, and no cult yet described has both forms.

 Asrelia shows Benign. Ty Kora Tek shows Malign. STORM: origin = Orlanth (in Godtime, twas Umath = King Storm, who still exists, but has passed control to his son.) It's been argued that the Storm Rune can be subdivided into Air and Wind, but since only a very few cults would use the sub-Runes (like Molanni), 'tain't worth doing.

SKY: origin = Yelm (in Godtime 'twas Lord Light). Has the sub-runes of Light and Heat.

 Yelmalio shows Light, Lodril shows Heat.

MOON: origin = Red Goddess. It is unknown who the Godtime source was, if there was one. Note that the Blue Moon cult was assigned a Shadow elemental Rune by the God Learners, and the Selenes were considered a peculiar spirit, not an elemental. The Moon Rune only became used for the Annilla cult after the moon's ascent. Sometimes the Lunars use seven different "Runes" for the moon, showing all the phases. But these aren't really sub-Runes.

CONDITION RUNES: many of these Runes don't seem to have a Source, unless Arachne Solara is it.

INFINITY: only the cults that are the original wielders of a Rune possess this. Presumably Arachne Solara, if she has Runes, would boast two Infinity Runes, leading to the question of whether (A) this represents a paired Infinity Rune, indicating that she was not the original Source of Infinity, but has now taken over or whether (B) this indicates an Infinity Rune next to another Infinity Rune, indicating that she is the one and only original Infinity Rune Source. Ah well.

LAW: origin = Invisible God. Many Theyalans do not recognize the Law Rune, substituting Stasis in its place. Lhankor Mhy shows Law (though in Dragon Pass and other places Stasis is oft-used instead).

MAGIC PAMALT: this Rune was invented during the Six-Legged Empire, who wanted a Rune to symbolize the power that Pamalt demonstrated which did not easily fit into any other Runes. It symbolizes a complex concept that would take too long for me to cover here. Note that before the God Learners actually contacted Pamalt and found out what he was really like, he was assigned the Earth Rune. Despite this, most philosophers agree that Genert must've actually had the Earth Rune. "Pamalt" is based on a native Doraddi Rune. Although it is called "Pamalt", other deities possess it too, and Pamalt does not seem be the Source (if there is one). Despite this last fact, the Six Legged Empire considered a Major Rune.

HUNGER: origin = Vivamort. This may actually be a Form Rune. It is often called the "Undead" Rune, since undead gods generally have it in a big way. But its possession by non-undead cults such as Krarsht demonstrate its wider utility. So far as I know, all the cults that possess the Hunger Rune are chaotic, and I don't think this is an artifact of the Gods Wars. Since deities as ravenous as Zorak Zoran don't have this Rune, it would appear to not be true physical hunger, but something else which perhaps can't be understood by non-chaos entities. If it is true that there are six forms of Chaos, perhaps this is one of the "original" chaos Runes, Chaos being another, and we have four other Runes lurking out there somewhere.

FORM RUNES CHAOS: some say that this is not a Form Rune, but a Condition, or even an Element (or a Power). If the Chaos Rune had a Source, it is unknown. Even Primal Chaos isn't given two Chaos Runes. My own theory is that the several forms of Chaos each have their own Source. Maybe if Wakboth gets freed, we'll find out.

PLANT: origin = Flamal
DRAGONEWT: origin = Cosmic Dragon
DRAGON: origin = Cosmic Dragon. Godunya & Path of Immanent Mastery show this Rune.

BEAST: origin = Hykim & Mikyh
MAN: origin = Daka Fal. Obviously the religion is called Ancestor Worship, but everyone who worships it has a belief in some first man, be he Grandfather Mortal, Wild Man, Old Man, or Daka Fal. And he's the Source of the Rune. It may seem strange that he's not the "original" source of the Rune, with an Infinity Rune to go alongside, but this may be because the various candidates for "first man" are in fact not the same guy, and all share sourcehood.

SPIRIT: origin = Horned Man. I personally believe that the Bad Man also has two Spirit Runes.

POWER RUNES: paired Runes. Cults possessing two opposite powers are generally chaotic or otherwise weird. (Or powerful, like Yelm.) In light of this, it is important to note that the Seven Mothers Runes are Life, Moon, Death. Note that this is a toned-down version of the Red Goddess herself, who has Life, Moon(s), and Chaos -- the theory here is that Chaos is simply Death for the Gods.

LIFE: origin = Uleria.

DEATH: origin = Humakt. (In Godtime 'twas Kargan Tor) HARMONY: origin = Chalana Arroy (In Godtime 'twas Harana Ilor) DISORDER: origin = Eurmal (general agreement here). In Godtime, 'twas Ratslaff.

TRUTH: origin = Dayzatar (in Godtime, 'twas Orenoar, who bequeathed it to Dayzatar, though she still lives).

ILLUSION: origin = Bolongo (who some treat as another version of Eurmal). In Godtime, 'twas Tylenea.

STASIS: origin = Mostal. (In Godtime, 'twas Acos.) Some philosophers object to Mostal as the origin, seeing as how he's dead, and all. They suggest that a live god would make a much better Source for a Rune, but Mostal continues as it.

CHANGE: origin = Mastakos. (in Godtime 'twas the Soul Arranger).

LUCK: considered a secondary Rune. Asrelia has it, for one.

FATE: also a secondary Rune. Ty Kora Tek has it.

COMMUNICATION: also called the "Issaries" Rune. Does not seem to have an "opposite". Or maybe it's just that no one can learn about the opposite! Argan Argan has this Rune.



***Frase del mes***
La mejor venganza es no parecerte a tus enemigos - Marco Aurelio

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