RE: [OT] Book of Drastic Resolutions - Chaos

Write haof XML files: digodiegodigodisco <dididiegoiglesias_at_...>
Fecha: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:05:58 +0000


Buscandote algo sobre el Book of drastic resolutions Vol Chaos en todo lo que tengo en el ordenador encontre un enlace que desgraciadamente ya no te lleva a algunos de los artículos publicados si no a este mensaje, una tragedia:

"What's New
Wednesday, July 6, 2005

At this time, I have made the decision to take down the Drastic web page. I had a lot of fun with Drastic while it lasted, but do not think I would have fun with it if I returned to it. Therefore, since it has been seven years since the publication of Volume Darkness, I declare the 'zine officially dead. It will not return. Anyone who wishes to contact me can email me at my current address, buserian. I have come across a single copy each of Volume Prax and Volume Chaos, which I might put up for sale at some point on eBay. Keep an eye out -- they might not be the only items of interest up for sale.

I would like one last time to thank all of my collaborators for their contributions and friendship, and everyone else for their patronage and support. Drop me a line some time and let me know how you're doing.



Todo mi gozo en un pozo. Siempre he pensado "cuando necesite info sobre el caos siempre tengo estos enlaces asi que paso de copiar la web". Lo único que te puedo proporcionar es este enlace:

Y un documento de word en el que puedes ver el índice del libro...para que se te pongan los dientes largos como a mí.

Diego Iglesias

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