Re: sea spirits or sea gods ?

Auteur: Julian Lord <jlord_at_...>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 23:39:35 +0200

Philippe :

> > > It may also be that, a bit like darkness for uz, the sea is a place
> > > where the traditional partition between spirits and da�mones is less
> > > important, or even meaningless, as in the Deep, all mingle. (OK, GD
> > > fodder, but that would be a elegant answer to my question : "don't
> > > bother, it's all the same to them")
> >
> > Yes, definitely GD fodder, but the answer you propose, so elegantly,
> > isn't the right one.
> >
> > I'll send you some ideas on Glorantha_VF, Philippe, once I get the next Digest.
> >
> > In the Deep (and even in the Shallow) all mingles, but it is NOT meaningless.
> > The partition is not the same.
> >
> > Any further answers to the GD, please.
> Well, yes. You _could_ have answered me on my real question, you know :)
> Are IYO Ludoch animists or theists ?
> (I have had quite a few discussions like this with Julian, last week.
> Don't give him any incentive to use complicated terms or you're doomed
> and in the end, you won't even understand the question you asked)

Ouh l�����, qu� mauvaise foi !!!


(tiens, j'y pense, t'as oubli� de d�ployer ton smiley ... )

Alors de plusieurs choses 4 :

  1. Il est hors de question, vues mes pr�c�dentes altercations avec Jeff Kyer, que je dise ce que je pense sur HeroQuest-RPG
  2. Je r�pondrai � ta question en Fran�ais sur Glorantha_VF, quand je l'aurais re�ue (je suis en mode digest). Voici un avant-go�t.
  3. D�sol� mais l�, comme �a, de but en blanc, ta question rel�ve de quelque chose de r�ellement tr�s, TRES, complexe
  4. Du coup, je ne sais pas si les Ludoch sont des animistes, des polyth�istes, les deux s�par�ment, les deux en m�me temps, non, je donne ma langue au poisson-chat

Ce que je peux te dire pour l'instant, c'est qu'ils ne sont pas comme les trolls (sauf exception) et ne m�langent pas ces magies (ou si oui, pas de la m�me fa�on). Il y a une question de l'opposition entre Deep et Shallow ; il y a des courants shamaniques qui leur procurent des pouvoirs ; il y a quelqu'un comme Magasta qui a une triple nature, physique, psychique, divine. Cette triple nature chez une divinit� est rare, mais c'est l'id�al que tous les oc�anides poursuivent. Un oc�anide, � la naissance, poss�de une telle triple nature, et son id�al consiste � la maintenir dans sa puret�, d'en d�velopper les trois volets. Mais contrairement aux uz, ils restent en permanence conscients de la diff�rence entre esprit et divin.

Une chose quasi s�re, les sorciers oc�anides sont rarissimes, et sont g�n�ralement vus comme des �tres mal�fiques.

HeroQuest contiendra des informations sur les m�langes des magies, et sur les exceptions aux r�gles de base, exceptions dont font partie les oc�anides.

Je hasarderais l'opinion qu'il y a un peu plus de polyth�istes "purs" chez les Ludoch que chez d'autres, mais Glorantha (VO) nous apprend qu'ils adorent les "Elder Gods", ce qui me para�t ajouter un niveau de complexit� � ta question.

Dans la s�rie, "you won't even understand the question you asked", une citation de source non-publi�e (VLAN !!) : ;-)

(point de vue malaspe)

First Growth, Swell Time, Flow Time

The internal movement of Zaramaka became Sramake, Daliath, and Framanthe. These three were the first of the many beings that flowed out from Zaramaka to fill the world. [The various names given by mermen to this era are indicative of the great growth of the waters as they expanded to fill the cosmos. This is also considered by the God Learners to be part of the Blue Age.]

Our ancient cousins the Waertagi name these three the Body, Mind, and Soul of the Great Water. But these names are incomplete, better suited to Waertagi than we Merhendssh. For example, the children of Daliath include many that have no mind. A better way to explain them would be as Liquid, Action or Spirit, and Power or Motion [though this term is misleading to humans as well]. They are the Three Worlds.

Sramake, Daliath, and Framanthe combined together in pairs, mixing and dividing to create the next generation of beings. The children of each pairing were very different, for they partook of the waters of only two of the Three Entities. Thus, they can be grouped into three families of beings: Currents, called the Sramaki or Oceans; Immortals, called the Triolini or the Ancestors; and Triarchs, called the Manthie or Gods. Each group continued the process of creation, and so the waters filled all of the world.

bonne lecture !


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