Tentacles Deja Vu: Call for entires for Trickster Bag! Win a FREE stay at Tentacles 2009!

Auteur: Fabian Kuechler <fabian_at_...>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 17:26:09 +0200

~ T e n t a c l e s T r i c k s t e r B a g ~

The Tentacles Trickster Bag is eager to receive Glorantha questions that will make Greg Stafford's mind boggle.

All questions will be placed inside the Tricksters Bag and be randomly drawn and answered by Greg at the 'Tentacles Trickster Seminar'.

The audience will choose the question which provoked the most interesting/entertaining answer and the sender of the question will be rewarded with a free residential place at Tentacles in 2009!

You do not have to attend Tentacles Deja Vu to participate!

Last year Simon Hibbs won! His questions was:

What distinguishes a dragon (that is a mountain) from a giant (that is a mountain)?

The seminar will be recorded and all questions and answers will be published at one point in the future.

There is no limitations on the number of questions per person.

Do not miss the chance to provide your Glorantha questions for the ‘Trickster Bag’ this year!

Please send your question(s) and FULL NAME until April 28, 2008 in an email with the subject:

'Trickster Seminar'





The HeroQuest, Cthulhu, Eternal Champion, Pendragon and RuneQuest Game Fest 9th - 12th May 2008 Castle Stahleck, Bacharach, Germany

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