Re : Les 24 tribus fondatrices de Sartar

Auteur: Blogueur Eternel <pierre.chateil_at_...>
Date: Mon, 05 May 2008 21:48:16 -0000

Des semaines plus tard, je tombe par hasard sur un extrait PDF de Barbarian Adventures, et voila, elles sont là :

"When Sartar first founded his kingdom it included seventeen tribes. As time passed additional tribes joined, and at the Fall of Boldhome the last Prince mourned the destruction of the "Twenty-four Tribes of Sartar." Since their coming, the Lunars have disbanded several tribes, and new ones have formed or moved into the land. But the "Twenty-four Tribes of Sartar" are remembered by all true Sons of Sartar: Amad, Aranwyth, Bachad, Balkoth, Balmyr, Cinsina, Colymar, Culbrea, Dinacoli, Dundealos, Durulz, Kheldon, Kultain, Lismelder, Locaem, Maboder, Malani, Poljoni, Princeros, Sambari, Telmori, Torkani, Tovtaros, Vantaros."

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