Re: Actual Rules Question!

From: David Dunham <dunham_at_...>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 09:42:20 -0800

"steve lieb" <styop-_at_...> wrote:

> I simply can't see a system where the player is SEEKING combat
> (ostensibly risking life & limb) because the net result will leave
> almost certainly more powerful than before.

Sounds exactly like D&D (extra experience gain) or RuneQuest (weapons checks) to me.

> Even throwing reality
> aside, it kind of obviates the obligatory "pack of rabble henchlings
> working for the evil enemy" - standard stock for S&S fiction - since
> they would serve to STRENGTHEN the attacking good guys more than
> cripple them.

Not at all. The good guys deal with the henchmen at the gate. By the time they rush up the tower to confront the big bad guy, it's a new contest, and they start at their normal APs. (Plus, they may have used a Hero Point or two already and be weaker that way.)

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