rules encumbering players

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 23:26:46 +0300 (EET DST)

On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Grawe, Philipp wrote:

> It's probably a good point, because the only reason RQ3 was playable
> when we played all those years ago was because two of our players knew
> the entire system off by heart.
> It was either that or wholesale ignoring of rules.
> Harry.

I have a different solution.

The GM/narrator runs the game with a system he likes. The GM keeps all the character sheets (preferrably on the computer for easy reference), and is the only person who needs to know anything about the gaming system.

The players get to throw the dice, but don't know the values and stats they are throwing against.

The players have made their characters with the GM, but the GM is the one to put the numbers onto them.

This is how I and my friends run RPG's, and it does much more for atmosphere and consentrating on the roleplaying than any storytellin system I've seen or can imagine.

The players only concentrate on their character, and don't have to waste a single second thinking about game-mechanics.



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