Re: Re: Heortling Literacy

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 22:35:08 -0500

Roland Volz says:

>My firm belief is that Alakoring and Heortling are alike enough that
>Orlanthi from one area can understand Orlanthi from the other; they
>may sound as different as proper British English and New Orleans
>American-Creole mix, what with loan words and such. But with effort,
>people from one area can understand people from the other.

        This is a reasonable belief, although someone may stand up with a citation that proves it's not so....

>If that's the case, then "cat scratching" and "dog scratching" (must
>be a lot of Lhankor Mhy scribes suffering from allergies there) are
>likely different symbol sets for slightly different pronunciation of
>many of the same words; how different will differ from campaign to

Of course, "dog scratching" has likely been largely displaced by Pelorian letter systems. After all, the Lhankor Mhy guys aren't sharing, and there are plenty of literate Lunars ready to step in....

>> "Stone scratching" seems like another kettle of fish.
>I will delve into my Ciphers and Codes resources to determine what my
>opinion of "stone scratching" is...

        Maybe stone scratching is like mathematical and logic symbols. Combined with the runic symbols associated with the gods, it can be used to represent magical energies. Maybe "Stone Scratching" means "Scratching like the stone men (Mostali) use...."

Peter Larsen

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