Re: Group Simple Contests

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:50:54 -0000

(hopefully this isn't a repeat - Netscape gave me an error when I tried posting it before

> Which brings me to my next question as I work through the rules-
> (thanks for all the help by the way. Can someone clarify how and
> when bumps due to mastery or hero points affect Group Simple
> Contests.

Well I've re-read the section, and I'm not convinced they'll work without fail in every situation, but I'll give it a go...

Group simple contest between Adam, Bert and Charlie on one side and Mandy and Nicola on the other. Adam has a skill of 5w, everyone else has 17. They roll

  1. 12 Failure, bumped to Success by a Mastery
  2. 18 Failure
  3. 15 Success
  4. 14 Success
  5. 17 Success

Take each sides best result (12 for A, 14 for M) and add 3 for each failure. A now has 15, M has 14 and scores a marginal victory

If B chose to spend a HP to bump his failure to a success then A's 12 would beat M's 14 for a marginal victory.

If A rolled a 4 (Success bumped to a critical) then ABC would have 1 crit, 1 success and 1 failure vs MN's 2 successes. Adding the three points for the failure to A's 4 gives a 7, which beats the 14 for a Marginal success.

If A and M had both rolled a four then M's 4 would beat A's 7 for a marginal success (A's critical sucess has been offset by his companions failure. this must happen otherwise if A criticalled and Band C both fumbled then their fumbles would be irrelevant as long as M or N didn't critical).

Masteries cancel out, but (I'd guess) only through the whole of both groups - if all the characters had scores of between 5 and 12W then you can treat them as being between 5 and 12. If everyone has a Mastery except C then they will all get a bump except him.

> Also I assume with simple contests, including
> group, there are occasions that players could augment there
> abilities or did I miss something in the rules. Augmentation only
> seems to be mentioned in relation to Extened Contests.

I think (subject to GM Permission) you can always augment, whatever kind of roll is required. Of course unless it is an extended contest then there is no point in applying an edge or loaning AP's, but you can still attempt to improve your own, or your allies skill rating for the contest, and in some circumstnaces, it may make more sense to have the party augment one character rather than go for the Group Simple Contest. (OK not for your party vs Trollkin fight, but take the example of a group of PC's asking the chief for permission to raid, as per the group simple contest example in the book. Rather than have everyone argue at once, appoint a spokesman, and get the other characters to augment his skill in some way with their own actions (these actions might be to make the same speaches that they would have made anyway in support of the raid, we are jsut treating them slightly differently mechanically). Once all the augmentations have been made on both sides the "spokesmen" get to make their rolls which are now a straightforward "simple contest".

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