Re: Gwandor Clan Stats

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 22:50:40 +0200

Alexandre :

> The Gwandor stats in YBoT 2 appear to be given according to an earlier draft
> of the rules (namely, they are in a #1/#2 format, with #1 low good). If this
> is the case, how they do translate into the current rules?

Well, pretty badly according to the *current* rules (unpublished HW2 : don't ask).

A stopgap solution is (obviously) to convert the #1/#2 format to the published version.

A better idea is to purchase "Les Erudits de l'Ambigu" numbers 1 & 2, for a less mechanistic description of that clan. ;-)

Julian Lord

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