Re: Hero Bands and Guardian Beings question

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 20:16:30 -0000

They go up as the guardian being goes up, as the being is providing them to its people.

There are rules for increasing the 3 ablities of the Guardian by the people of the group spending HP. I feel these rules are a bit too restrictive and expensive myself.

I would probably either cut the cost in half or give other methods of increasing their power at a reduced cost (but still make it cost). Sacrificial worship or having a territory (like a wyter) might help. Heroquesting to increase the guardian's strength might too.

More MGF than just throwing HP's at it. =)

I just remember the trials and tribulations of tinkering with our old stock light freighter, Green Onion, in an ancient Star Wars game. And compared it to, say, Traveller. Now, isn't hunting down new blaster crystals, alien shield technology more interesting than throwing money (HP) at the problem? Yeah, you could do the fun stuff in Traveler, but the Star Wars rules _enshrined_ fiddling with group equipment in a way that made the entire play-group get involved.

Sorry about the digression.

Idle musing from,

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