Re: Re: God-Talker's "God"

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 19:18:30 +0100 (BST)

> My own belief is that a god-talker can initiate someone into any
> aspect or sub-cult of his deity, but requires the help of a devotee of
> that aspect and sub-cult to do so.

I like this, it splits out the roles quite nicely. (Which isn't to say they can't be recombined, of course.)

> Thus god-talkers are much more
> likely to belong to those aspects/sub-cults which have "flashier"
> magic powers than those connected to everyday life. Note that the
> Orlanth Thunderous lists god-talkers as worshipers under its magic
> keyword, while those for Allfather and Adventurous do not.

>From our background snippets, the most "godi-ish" deities seem
to be Orlanth Thunderous, and Hantrafal. I'm not sure what game mechanical reason there would be for this, but it seems they are especially well-suited to intercessory roles, as opposed to the more specifically emulatory one. I'd imagine this might be because on the one hand, O.T. rites tend to be the most communal

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