Re: Initiates & Devotees

From: wulfcorbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 16:08:04 -0000

> I suppose this is down to individual play style. I'd actually
> the player to say how Orlanth is helping him ('a sudden wind begins
> tear at him, distracting and blinding him' or whatever).

Well, yes, agreed. I was meaning game mechanically that's all they can do. A bit of fluff helps the atmosphere, but players in our group tend to immediately head for the Feat wording and rely on that for the fluff, whereas I prefer to stick to more general descriptions for Initiate magic. Initiates, basically, shout "HELP", and get what they deserve, they have little control. Augmenting Close Combat might end up as "You feel the strength of Orlanth, and the speed of the wind in your limbs", which sounds more like Burst of Speed than Swordhelp. Leap Over Water might end up more like "A huge gust of wind hoists you up and throws you over the river".


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