Re: Even funnier stuff with masteries... sort of

From: TheCam_at_...
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 15:28:34 EST

Gazza sez:

> Something still bugging me.

Yeah, it's been bugging me, too.

> Let's say you have to face up to a god, a superhero, or something
> equally nasty. What sort of skill do you need to have a reasonable
> chance?

> The answer is: 20.

<Lot's of other accurate stuff snipped>

I was thinking about this a while ago and the problem as I see it is all of the wasted masteries Harrek has. Even if he rolls a 20 against Al, Harrek only needs 3 of his 6 masteries to change that to a crit. The others do him no good! Why not make it that those left-over masteries can LOWER the opponent's success by 1. Even if you make it that 2 left-over masteries are needed to lower the level of success by 1, it would help balance things. So, if Al (CC of 20) rolls a 10 and Harrek (CC of 6w6)rolls a 12, Harrek would use 2 of his masteries to change that failure to a critical and the other 4 would change Al's success to a fumble. Even in the case of an extreme (Al rolls a 1 and Harrek rolls a 20), Harrek would still critical but Al would only succeed (or fail if Harrek spent a hp and Al spent none.)


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