worth of ranks

From: zero-c_at_...
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 23:01:14 +0100

Thanks for all the good answers to my questions!

I agree,that edges and ranks are more or less worthless and underrated,maybe a doubling,like Wulf suggests,is a good idea-also,it would relate to the average RQ-weapon-damage. Example:two opponents,both TN 10 and swords:3; you bid 5 AP,success vs. failure means:
with ordinary ranks: -6
with doubled ranks: -12
so with an average bid and a successful hit you get the result:dazed,

with the doubled rank its:wounded,what makes more sense to me....      

While i really like,that HW is a heroic game and stresses skill,there is no need to neglect the importance of armour. There is an easy way to get these factors back into play.Lets say someone,with ordinary ability,fights with the weapon alone,while someone who is trained or a specialist/master fights more with technique,precision and trickery,what then results in a more deadly end. So you could say if weaponrank and armourrank are equal there is a limit to the possible result of the contest:

Skillrating 1-20 -                   only marginal victory is possible except on a critical.
Skillrating:one mastery-        only marginal and minor victory is possible except on a critical.

That would reflect that certain types of armour,totally block certain types of attacks,except on a critical,which means,like in RQ,you found a weak point in your oppponents armor.


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