Automatic augments.

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 03:01:55 GMT

> Here is a quote for Hero Wars 2nd Ed:
> Automatic Augmentation
> The value of the Augmentation is equal to +1 to the Target Number per 10
> points of augmenting ability. Thus a Feat of Swordfighting 12 or a spirit
> granting its Jumping 17 would give an Automatic augmentof +1.
> Some abilities are always being used, such as Strong or tough or Smart
> under certain circumstances. In those cases Automatic Augmentation is
> applied.

FWIW, this is a "good deal" below about 20W, and "not on your life mate" past say 10W2. (And for reference, +8 per pushes the breakpoint to the early W3's.)

I like the idea of an automatic augment, but it seems an imperfect solution. If one is going to make most actual rolls redundant, then one might as well revise the actual mechanic. And while one is at it, why not change it to something more consistent with an easy, simplified option such as the above?

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