Re: skill improvement and meaning of masteries

From: epweissengruber <epweissengruber_at_...>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 01:22:51 -0000

There is something to be said for a progression in power based on qualitative shifts rather than gradual quantitative change of skill levels.

Luke goes from being a promising candidate to an awsome Jedi rather rapidly.
Paul gets whapped on the road to Damascus, and his life goes in another direction.
Sparrowhawk jumps from being a hedge magician to one of Earthsea's most powerful wizards rather rapidly (and injecting some serious bad mojo into the universe in the process)

I like the way masteries/HeroQuests/the switch from mere initiate to feat-wielding devotee all model the "transformation through challenge/crisis" pattern of narrative.

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