Re: Re: Following the Leader....

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 17:00:48 +1300

Peter Larsen:

>There's certainly something a little odd about Dar. It's an Orlanth
>subcult, yet we know women (I assume not specifically Vingans) can join
>(TR, 200).

Women who worship Dar the Leader do so as Vingans.

>I wonder if worshippers of other gods can? I mean, Elmal and
>Ernalda have their own leadership magic (and Ernaldans can apparently
>worship Dar)

Ernaldans can only worship Orendana.

>but surely there are clans with Chiefs who worship Heler, Humakt,
>maybe Issaries or Barntar...

And Tribes also, cf Barbarian Adventures.

>What do they do about leadership magic? Are they just bad at it?

They are either just bad at it or they worship Orlanth as an initiate (which requires them to be just initiates to their main god).

--Peter Metcalfe

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