Re: Magical Augments - A little extreme?

From: t_m_ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 15:04:15 -0000

I think (orlanthi) all of us are happy that initiates are limited to a single Augment from each affinity. I thought one of the things that marked out the devotee was their ability to use multiple (relevant) augments from a single affinity. Unlike Peter, however, I don't see any conflict between "Mighty Strike", "Decapitating Blow" and the like...

I think the Time constraint is likely to be the normal limiting factor - if you are spending 8 rounds augmenting then the "current contest" is more likey to be the augments than the conflict that occurs later. Likewise If you plan to "boost up" for an ambush to occur "later" then you will have to "pay" for the delay...

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