Ritual Prep (was: some other subject)

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 13:07:19 -0700

> > And the joy of rituals is that after the first time or two, you can just
> say
> > "We perform the Ass-kicking of Wesley Ritual" and calculate your bonus
> Amen to that! That's *exactly* how I'd like complex multiple augmentation/
> preparation to be handled. With just one more thing -- a "reasonableness"
> ceiling.

Such a ceiling should be negotiated between the Narrator and the players when the ritual is "created". The more ritual "steps" that are Augments, the more power the ritual will grant as the characters rise in ability levels. The more steps that only provide a set amount, the less (relative) power the ritual will grant as they do so. The final result should be a pretty easy calculation, something like: "Okay, if we do the AKoW, we get +7 from set bonuses, and Auto Augments to Close Combat from these two Death feats and these three Sword Combat feats, so the total is..." (Noting that the specific feats/affinities/abilities should probably be specified in the Ritual Writeup. Also noting that Auto Augments make for easier math, but if the players *really* want to roll for them in the middle of a ceremony and risk blowing the roll...)


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