Re: Re: Extended Advocacy

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 19:40:42 +0100

On Sun, 12 May 2002 11:01:27 -0700, David Dunham <david_at_...> wrote:

>I have to agree that missile combat is a thorny problem.

Agreed there, but I've sorted it out to my satisfaction, for the situations I've considered up to now.

>One of the biggest problems is that the target can't really do a
>whole lot.

To my mind, he can:
a) Manoeuvre out of sight, dodging & heading for cover. Archer loses AP due to lack of arrows or energy, reaches 0 when he can't shoot any more, either due to his own lack, or the targets advantageous position.
b) Run for an escape, using Running & Dodge to get out of range/sight. Archer loses AP as the target gets to longer range and has more intervening obstacles. At 0 AP target is out of range or sight. c) Close on archer. Archer loses AP as he gets closer to melee while still holding a bow (it's far more difficult to shoot at a rapidly moving target at close range, as said target can move through a wider arc for less movement). You don't need to reset AP, in my opinion, since a poor (low ability) archer will have taken longer to shoot off arrows, and so will be less prepared for melee if he doesn't start ready.
d) Hide behind his shield. OK, this is a legitimate defence, BUT it does nothing to threaten the archer. If the archer runs out of AP, he's run out of arrows or patience, BUT the target is no closer to him, so any further action between them is a new contest with reset AP. Also, it IS a defence, so what the target does as his action is the significant factor. I'd also give a hefty penalty for defending against arrows with Close Combat, probably -10, more if the archer was being clever ("I'll move to get the sun behind my arrows as they fall on him").
e) Direct and assist others. While the archer uses up time, arrows and energy, the target is instructing his buddies, OR HIS FOLLOWERS, to close (that would probably be the bit in the rulebook about paying AP to move). Therefore, the target might not get any closer to the archer, but STILL be able to Close Combat him!

I've thought of others too, but these are the main ones.


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