Re: A thought on limiting improvisation

From: wulfcorbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 10:11:01 -0000

> At Origins, I had the opportunity to watch Greg run part of a
> HeroQuest scenario (if I had known that it started two hours
earlier, I
> would have been playing in it). He discouraged the initiates from
> attempting to use feats; instead they could only augment other
> abilities with their affinities (though he relented at least once,
> a -10 penalty).

I also impose a -10 or worse penalty (also on Devotees improvising wholly new feats - improvising from known feats I penalise at -5 or worse), but encourage Initiates to do so. I think I'm the only one who's character does though! I look at it as a sort of path toward devotion, they're TRYING to more closely emulate their deity...

> > You still need improve penalties on the actual magic skill, but
> > the very least this gives heroes another incentive to buy up
> > mythology skill

I require a Mythology roll to improvise a wholly new feat (one not on the lists, or previously noted as being known to the clan), but usually just an Ability test or a resisted simple contest for an obscure feat ("Babeester Gor's 'Refreshing Spring Dew'? Resistance 10W2 I think...").


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