Re: Worldscale again and again

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 09:50:04 +0200


> >>Greg and others seem to feel that sensible logarithmy is
> >>"simulationist" and constitutes a misunderstanding of the game, and
> >>game system.

Sorry, that was me, but taken out of context, and emphasised by someone else in ways unintended by me. No Greg-bashing intended, nor any misunderstanding by Greg, but possible misunderstanding by others. Plus, I'll admit, some annoyance when I and others mention logarithms that _we_ are accused of misunderstanding things ...

> YGWV, and you may do anything except decide why I do something, what I
> do or do not understand, or what I think.

Sorry if you took that personally, not my intention ; but I stand by my basic comment that HQ needs better logarithmy or will seem broken. I don't really blame anyone that HW had poor logarithmy, but this is more in the manner of deploring Issaries' lack of time and money at the time than making any ad hominems, or anything else.


Julian Lord

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