RE: Resurrection (was Bless Corpse)

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 01:39:57 -0700

jamesjhawkins <mailto:James.Hawkins_at_...> wrote:
>> Perhaps the "bless corpse" skill augments the
>> resistance faced by resurrection magic?
> Sure, except that I seem to recall that each individual resurrection
> requires a whole Hero Quest these days.

Well... at some point in the quest, you'll probably have to face the Guardian of the Dead in one form or other (probably Humakt himself, if you're a Heortling). Perhaps the "bless corpse" makes that particular contest harder, by increasing the guardian's claim on the dead person? (And the mechanics would be as above--in that particular contest, your opponent is augmented by the "bless corpse" feat.)

Just a thought...


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