Re: Improvise or Die

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:05:40 +0100

Simon :

> I never prepare a scenario in advance,

I hate preparing scenarios in advance, but RQ and high-level D&D got me into that very bad habit ...

the need to prepare RQ and high-level D&D NPCs especially ...

> especially when playing Hero Wars, I
> improvise all the way if I can, making up NPC's as I go along,
> generating the plot as the game flows

I like to improvise a full plot during the last 5 - 15 minutes run-up before the game, often whilst appearing to be engaging in conversation, or perhaps having just started play. I decide what sort of game my friends and I seem to be in the mood for, then quickly imagine a situation, solution, and several scenes, that I then try and stick to. If a map is needed, I take a little extra time to do a rough sketch that'll be filled in as the game progresses : but I always make sure that I know the shape at least before commencing play. Don't like fudging.

> The biggest danger is getting lost in the plots,

That's why I always like to make sure of a bare-bones plot before play commences. I personally dislike the appearance of randomness and arbitrariness that can appear during a fully improvised game, but carefully prepared scenarios that don't work are much worse IMO. I try to strike the best balance between the minimum amount of preparation and the minimum amount of improvisation necessary : when it works, it really makes for the best games !

> Then again when you have a group of players that have the
> following mantra then carefully crafted plots don't stand a chance.
> Rules of Play
> 1) Screw up the plot
> 2) Split the Party

These first two wouldn't bother me : in fact, part of my bare-bones plot always involves either an NPC or group of NPCs attempting to screw up my own plot, a counter-plot, a simultaneous secondary plot (NOT sub-plot !!), or any such similar twist to keep things interesting for myself and adaptable to player desires.

> 3) Die an intresting death

This, I've never really had to deal with though. Sounds like fun !! ;-)

Julian Lord

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