Re: Edges as Gifts (was Equipment)

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 18:13:07 -0000

> Though we already have Gifts that add to sword skill,
> and it seems a bit of a shame to lose the distinction.
> Still, it's only at rules-level: the descriptive bit
> can still have flavour. Maybe the original "add to
> Sword skill" makes the sword faster, and the gift that
> was an Edge makes it sharper?

You could record it something like this, taking a slightly more complex situation as an example.

Lottery Sword (Swift Stroke +2; Cut Trolls +5)

When fighting non trolls you only get +2. If you're fighting Trolls, usualy both apply for +7. However if you're trying to bash a troll on the head with the flat of the blade, you only get +2 because you're not cutting it.

I'm all for ability descriptions and descriptive flavour having real efects on how things can be used in the game.

Simon Hibbs

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