Re: flaws

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 08:51:21 -0500

I've got a different take. As GM, I hate keeping track of what all of the character's flaws are. I've got enough to do with just keeping the NPCs flaws working and such. What I'd do, is to give the PC a Hero Point for incorporating his own Flaw in something (is that a rule already? Should be). Perhaps only if it leads to a failure. The Player can think of it as insurance. By reducing his chances on some conflict, he allows for some benefit to occur if he fails. All by characterizing better. If he still wins, it's cool because he did it despite his flaw making the victory that much more cool.

The neat thing is that if a player does the incorporation of a Flaw, you can be sure that it's done in such a way as the player won't feel like his character has been made less of a protagonist. While a GM can do this as well, he runs the risk of making the character look like something the player won't like. Which reduces player interest in the character.

Enough "twisting" over time, and the player won't like the character. Too little "twisting" and the Flaw becomes meaningless. This is a duty that I as GM prefer to pass off onto the player, as only they can be garanteed of getting it "right". That and I'm lazy. ;-)


>From: Kmnellist_at_...
>It is up to the Narrator to twist the flaw to the players disadvantage in
>creative and amusing ways.

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