Re: [hw-rules]guns and edges

From: BEThexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 19:02:38 -0000

Well, actually I'd say that depends on the bid, and here is where the type of gun comes into to play--some actions you can describe work better for some types of gun than other, so it gives a different flavor even if the mechanics don't differ much.

Based on the not so realistic experience of playing in paintball, diving for cover and trying to get the clear shot is the reasonably low, cautious bid. Popping up/rolling out/otherwise give yourself a clear line of fire and popping a shot, a few shots, or a large burst in the vicinity of an opponent is a moderate bid (you are making yourself a target and get out of position, but at the same time may clip them or at least make them scramble for a new position), and then there is the famous "make sure I have a full load of ammo, leap over the wall and start charging at them with guns a-blazing" high bid.

For what it is worth, I suspect that "marksmanship" (or "target shooting") is generally a less useful skill than "gun fighting." However the former does make a good augment for the latter, and is invaluable for the "circle around behind him and take him out with one shot to the head from 50 yards."

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