Re: simple contests for complex events

From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 13:31:33 EDT

<< Yes, but I don't remember that ability on his  character sheet as published? You'd have to invent the  4W3 out of thin air. Whereas Guy had us using straight  skills against the Dungeon, he was just very flexible  about allowing anything that could be helpful as an  augment. >>

I'd like to add a comment about how I have run augments for this sort of contest (bearing in mind my house rule of "only the best augment counts"). I felt that the downside of augments first, leading to one big die-roll was that it made the die-roll too much of a focus and it was absolutely clear what the odds were before the roll was made. Also, becasue you need a big advantage to assure victory there is a tendency for a safety first approach to getting every last ounce of augment out of any available skill. My solution was to reverse the process - contest first followed by augment attempts. This does have a tendency to turn the resolution into a version of the "bad news I fell out of plane, good news I landed on a haystack, bad news it had a pitchfork in it" game but means you just do roll and if you need a +10 augment to recover the situation then you need to try for that level of augment.

I think it works OK for this sort of large scale enterprise where the details of the encounter are not clear in the first place; less well for for a "normal" action where preperation is part of the narrative.


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