Alternate Earths

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 21:43:19 -0800

>> question is; will there be fantasy earth fantasy
>earth campaigns for
>> Hero Wars?
>Probably not published by Issaries, inc., but there
>is no reason someone
>can't write up their Jason & the Argonauts,
>Pirates, or Stellar Masses
>Battles(tm) campaign notes for the rest of us.

Actually, if such an item were produced I hope it would be submitted to Issaries ffirst! As most know I love the terrestial settings and have played in several myself, though not with HQ (yet). But first, we MUST get a firm grounding of HQ items done and out, so it'd be a while before we could publsih anything from a new setting. I hve some clear ideas of what I'd like to see, too, but as I said: HQ Glorantha fist! We can't dilute ourselves yet!

Greg Stafford

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