Re: This is how I run it...

From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 22:43:35 -0000

Hi Chris,

The collaborative nature of the Gloranthan tribe is indeed one of its greatest and most inspiring characteristics. You ask

> What I am curious about, is how you view the fine line between
> "This is how I run it" and the odd chance of alienatiing the rest
> the Gloranthan community? Personally, I'd love to contribute to
> the Gloranthan stuff, but I find that I'm having a hard time
> grasping enough information to go on without contradicting
> whatever is "out there".

My view was that there was a thread which was descending into rancour, and that's why I posted. In general terms, though the bottom line is -- and I know this risks becoming a cliche to replace 'HeroQuest will be out next year'! -- YGWV. I have no problem with anyone posting "this is how I play the game" but am worried if it sounds like "this is how the game should be played." Likewise with the setting, so what if someone else has written before or differently? If you want your Lunars to be Soviets, or Persians, or Romans, or British Redcoats, or Butlins Redcoats, or oompaloompas for that matter, no problem. OK, you may be in a minority, and you may have trouble using 'canonical' sources, but that's your choice. But please don't tell me what *my* Lunars should be.

In a way, this is about competitive consensus. Stuff which is cool enough catches on and influences other people, maybe even the official material coming out of II. Stuff which was cool a year or a decade ago can always be eclipsed by stuff which is even cooler...

Now, this risks becoming rather OT in a rules list, so I'll stop there. Feel free to get in touch direct if you want to discuss this further.

All the best


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