RE: liturgists like it small!

From: Andrew Dawson <asmpd_at_...>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 19:42:03 -0500

House rules thoughts: I like the cancelled penalty/bonus option as well, but thinking about how to deal with the implications of the rules led me to some other thoughts:
  1. Use the piety of the worshipper (Worship [God]) to generate the blessing augment, rather than the abilities of the liturgist (Use [Scripture]). I suggest this because then those of little faith don't get the rewards of deeper faith. This suits the idea of worshippers with a high relationship (Member of [Congregation]) but not the faith--maybe because they follow the local little saints (spirits, daimones). I also like the thought of faithless knights paying lip service to the church (and gaining no benefit for doing so) while using their pagan magic/magical arms (seems Arthurian to me). The liturgist must still succeed against the normal resistance in order for the blessings to work at all, but the magnitude of the effect depends on the faith of the blessed worshipper. (This also gives the communal worshipper a reason to care about his piety.)
  2. When not important to the story, allow the multiple target penalty and the total support bonus to cancel for liturgical blessings only. (I suggest changing the multiple target penalty for liturgical blessings to match the negative of the total support bonus, which doesn't matter for point two, but matters for point three.)
  3. When important to the story, calculate (or handwave) a penalty to the liturgist that is based on the less-than-total support of the congregation. For example, if a congregation of 1000 is only half-devoted, calculate (half give total support = +20, quarter give ordinary support = +1, quarter [secret cabal of pagans] give condemnation = -16, multiple person penalty = negative total support = -25, total = -12) or handwave a penalty (negative extraordinary support = -13), or assume NPC liturgist fails because of story. When the liturgist fails, he knows it and knows that the faith of his flock is wavering/poisoned, and the inquisitions start.
  4. This would have been easier if the multiple target penalty was related to (the negative of) the total community support, or a multiple thereof.


At 05:53 PM 9/19/2003 +0100, Nick Brooke wrote:
>Peter Larsen writes well about Western worship services. But I thought
>HeroQuest was meant to avoid all this number-crunching and hand-waving?
>It seems simplest to me for the "big congregation" bonus and penalty to
>cancel each other out, whenever liturgists bless their flocks.

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