Re: Repeating heroquests

From: Benedict Adamson <yahoo_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 20:28:58 +0100

nils_w wrote:
> HeroQuest p.200 states that you can only attempt a particular
> heroquest once as quest leader.

In my Glorantha I'd file that rule under 'having so many exceptions as to be useless'. I'd say it's true for EXACTLY THE SAME BENEFIT. But as the benefit is likely to be at least slightly different for all practical situations, I'd say it practically never applies.

You cite the example of Harmast, who brought back *two different* helpers from the Underworld.

A better example is Orlanth and Aroka. This seems to be the Orlanthi way to end a drought (please, don't bring up the multiple myth variants as a pathetic work around). If the rule is left to stand and all droughts are seen as the same, you are left in the absurd (to me) situation that a mighty Orlanth Hero Quester could end only one drought in his entire lifetime. However, if you abandon the rule, or consider eliminating each particular drought as a different benefit, the clan will be safe from drought for the Hero's entire lifetime (which seems more sensible to me).

Is the rule really part of Gloranthan reality? I suspect it's just a kludge to prevent gross power gaming abuses (I defeat X and thus gan +N to Y; repeat.).

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