Re: Repeating heroquests

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 18:44:02 +0100

>>> HeroQuest p.200 states that you can only attempt a particular
>>> heroquest once as quest leader. This brings on two questions:
>>> 1. Why is this?
>>Because Greg said :-) Actually, this makes sense to me. After all,
>>Orlanth only slew Akora once...
>Sure, but as Benedict points out, it is rather weird if an Orlanthi
>can only try and stop one drought in his lifetime.
>But, I think both Benedict's and Bryan's suggestions make good sense
>of how to make this a non-problem.

How do Practice Quests work here ? Are they only for personal benefit or could you stop a drought that way ? (Obviously if it was a major or magical drought that might not be enough).

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Paul K.

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