Re: Orlanth Rex; Esdevium

From: Robin D. Laws <rdl_at_...>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 10:26:22 -0500

At 10:02 AM 5/19/00 -0400, Douglas Seay wrote:

>Is the ceremony of becoming chief is part the initiation process? Cool.

That's how I'd do it but I'm not speaking with any kind of canonical authority.

>In KoDP I've had clan chiefs step down, would that affect the O.Rex

In my games, you'd lose your O.R. juju when you stop being chief. You'd need access to the clan regalia to maintain your affinities.

>Also, I had a Tribal King (Queen actually) who wasn't my clan
>chief. Presumably she (a Vignan) joined O.Rex while being crowned.

That's how I'd do it.


> > >how come UK players seems to getting theirs before everyone else
> >
> > Probably because you have a better distributor (wholesaler), who is
> > solidly behind the game.

>Funny to think of Esdevium as efficient...

Within industry circles, Esdevium is considered one of the best, if not the best, distributor in the world. If you've got complaints with them, you don't know how good you've got it.

Take care >>> Robin

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