Re: Do the rules determine the nature of Glorantha?

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 13:22:06 +0100

> >I *think* the idea is that
> >liturgists should actually spend HP on pushing their "Use Abiding Book" or
> >whatever up to a level where they can more or less guarantee a success.
>I disagree. I think that a -7 is something that can be overcome with skill
>fairly regularly (or other bonuses).

Sorry, in what way are you disagreeing? Unless there is something subtle I'm missing here, your statement seems to be equivalent to mine. i.e. That a practising liturigist should have a sufficiently high skill at calling for blessings that a -7 isn't normally a problem.

A puzzled Graham

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