Some Comments on HeroQuest

From: miker19036 <miker_at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 14:51:43 -0000

I just wanted to take a moment to make few comments (all of them good).

For those that I went back and forth with a few months ago about my issues, I am quite happy with HeroQuest. Two big pluses are the prolific examples and the consistent approach and structure of the rules. A good example of this is the chapters on magic. While the different Otherworlds have their own characteristics, the structure of the chapters covering them are organized the same way, making it very easy to see the parallels and contrasts.

Someone touched on this, but I'd like to point it out: there's much better support for the common worshipper in HQ than there was in HW. In HW, ordinary communal worshippers were just given a nod, but the assumption seemed to be that everyone was at least an initiate (or the equivalent).

Personally, I like the concepts of Common Magic and concentration. They really add a sense of depth and progression to magical use. I also like the standardization of the career keywords.

I also have to say that the presentation of Glorantha this time around doesn't come across as murky as in Hero Wars.

Of course, I now have to decide if I want to adjust my existing campaign's characters to match, or bring the current one to a close and start a new one. I'm leaning towards the latter, as there are things that I wish I'd done differently. Of course, with the Hero's Book coming out, I can feel much better about asking my players to have a copy of the rules.

Mike Ryan

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