Re: do we have a moderator in the house? (was Re: Digest Number 1375)

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 17:38:21 -0600

Jeff wrote:

>I dislike having vast numbers of moderated members - but unmoderating
>people is time intensive, thanks to Yahoo's eyewateringly bad
>interface. I get enough grief from a few people about the moderation
>being heavy handed as it is.
>There's no pleasing folks. Sigh!

I'd be willing to donate some time; I've had experience as a yahoogroups moderator, so I don't have to be trained to use the interface. I don't always have an excessive amount of free time, but maybe I can catch some things when the other moderators don't.


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