Re: AP pool ?

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 14:14:06 -0000

> > Hmm... a SERIES of Simple Contests is, I agree, a problem.
> Well if they are simple contests there are no AP, so no it isn't.

You should still be able to help out a friend though. In the example given, cheering on a debate isn't a separate contest, but it should have a chance of having an effect. I suggest augmenting with a Bonus. Admittedly, I would run a debate as an Extended Contest.

> Can't think of a non-combat example off the top of my head, but for
> combat say I decide to split the comabtants into n individual
> extended contests rather than a single group contest of 2n
> individuals? - That's what I meant when I said individual contests

Well, then, you just lend AP as usual, making the one you join in with a (temporary) Group Contest. I, personally, would keep it a group thereafter, or just refuse to let the Hearty Voice reset his AP, even if he cheered on the other contest (in which case he could be turning the whole thing into one big Group). Basically, if you add people in on either (or both) side(s), you turn it into a Group.


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