RE: Questions

From: Hopkins, Meirion G <m.hopkins_at_...>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 16:17:39 -0000

>I'm not even sure this is an "illness" as such. Maybe
>some kind of family curse, that's why the Humakti twin
>is so sure it'll apply to both of them. "Once you have
>your first grey hair, you will waste away within a
>year and a day", or something.

Just a couple of random thoughts which flitted into the consciousness:

What about if twins where both killed "in a mysterious hunting accident" as children. The clan's Chalana Arroy healer did her stuff and resurrected them.

At initiation, one was called by Humakt, the other Chalana Arroy (perhaps becoming the apprentice of the healer).

So, now that healer twin is near death's door, the Humakti has heard his lord's call and is heading home to complete what should have been all those years ago. He only knows in his waters that Humakt wants him to challenge the champion and since he's been away all these years probably won't know he's the healer's descendant.

The clan champion is a (grand-)child of the healer and the huntsman responsible for the accident. Since the accident happened out in the wilds, only the huntsman and the healer ever knew what truly happened. They are now long dead and took their secret to the grave. As to the twins, well up till now they've had no memory of the event, but perhaps it's time for a flashback?

Add in omens, restless ancestors and two-headed (one black, one white) calf births to taste and simmer...



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