Re: Questions (re archery)

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 13:30:19 -0000

> I have a problem which I am trying to come to grips with, slowly I
> am coming to grips with "My version" of HQ. There are some issues
> like to throw to the list to see if others have an answer. Yes I
> be overly mechanistic (all praise Mostal) but that doesnt
> my game... it just makes it mine.
> There are some problems that HQ does not handle well, or we
> be here. Thanks for the feedback, I actually did get some ideas
> it.

FWIW I know what you mean re Archery. I ran a game last night using Archery on the simple contest mechanic. The archer was shooting at people at night and he has a shooting in the dark ability. Also he was shooting at people that he was superior to. I am not looking forward to the extended contest, especially if the opponent cant get to him. We shall have to wait and see.

I reckon Issaries should do a Heroquest to get Greg Stafford and Robin Laws to write some inspired archery rules, much like they did witht he clarifications on innate magic.

Whats people take on sureshot? Is it an augment or is it vs the default magic of 14? And if the arrow hits what is the contest result? Last night I said the feat augmented the archery skill.


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