RE: improv mods and augments

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 16:58:16 -0400

Your wisdom appreciated as always, Mike. :)

On 13 May 2004 at 12:19, Mike Holmes wrote:

> Yes, in theory you do this. In practice, I find that my players often say,
> "+2 for Agility". Practically speaking, of course, if I reduce a 22 by 5,
> that's still a +2. So, basically, a little short cut is just to determine if
> the mod is "large" or "small." If it's small, I don't mention it as it's not
> a detail worth mentioning in this case (and likely will have no effect). If
> it's large, then I just say something like, "Make that only +1 for Agility."
> Skips some unneccessary math.

I like this. It suits my mindset. (Basically, if it wouldn't be a -10 or larger modifier, why worry about it?)

 > > Should Agile get an improv modifier in a sword fight?
> This is the 64 thousand dollar question lately. Two things I'd comment on:
> 1. If you allow something like Agility to substitute for other abilities
> without Improv Mod, then it makes Agility broader than a normal ability. See
> the paragraphs on Broad Abilties (P. 19, IIRC).
> 2. In the end, what gets an improv mod is a matter of group acceptance of
> the plausibility of the action. If the player can provide an explanation
> that doesn't void #1 as to why the ability would work, an explanation that
> everyone buys (not just the GM), then allow it. Eventually a group consensus
> as to how far you can "stretch" abilities will become apparent to all.

As always, group consensus and social contract wins out in the end, I agree. I think it has everything to do with goal, of course, as mentioned elsewhere. My struggle is with Situation 1 of course. If you allow Large and Strong as straight augments (which is certainly implied by the rules) why not Agile? But I think this might fall back a bit on the difference between an augmenting and being used as a main ability. What is "appropriate" varies between those two cases. If you can narrate how it is helping, I'm likely to find it appropriate, maybe knocking a point off (improv modifier) if I think the explanation is stretching a little too far.


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