Quick opinions sought: Open Spirit World from Hero Plane

From: Mike Dawson <mdawson_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 15:19:19 -0000

I ask any and all to share their opinion about whether it's easier, harder or the same to Open Spirit World while inside the Hero Plane.

I've got Heroes on the Journey of the Egret Warriors. They're now before the Councillors of the Great Winter King Ice Fist, about to attempt to win the hand of the Snow Princess. and the Councillors really want to open the Spirit World and bring the Great Spirit Ice Fist through. They don't want some 10W3 heroquester in the role--that's what the Councillors are. They want the Great Spirit.

This question could be broadened--what about Open Portal of Power in the Hero World?

Mike Dawson

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