Re: Prax

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 15:44:18 +0100

On Tue, 23 May 2000 10:29:22 +0100, "James Turner" <j.a.turner_at_...> wrote:

>The biggest change would have to be the shift from theist to animist and
>this is where I'm having trouble.

It is fun, isn't it? I'm working out Waha and Eiritha too...

>Praxians have always had tribal shamans. No problem there, they are covered
>nicely (I can see both ancestor worship and local traditions).
>There are lots of strange spirit cults in Prax, again these are covered in
>the animism rules.
>It's the "Cults of Prax" I have the problem with.
>Waha, Eiritha and Storm Bull are not gods anymore? (the website still says
>they are).

Well, either they're Gods, and the whole of Prax praxtices 'Misapplied Worship' (the rulebook does say certain entire cultures do), or else they are Great Spirits/Petty Gods, and are served by Shamans. I prefer the latter.

>Possibilities for Hero Wars Praxians:-
>1. Praxian tribes have loads of shamans, a Waha shaman, an Eiritha Shaman, a
>Storm Bull shaman etc

Yup. You'd have 'Sable Clan Waha Tradition', Rhino Clan Storm Bull Tradition', etc.

>2. Praxian tribes are a mixed blend of animism and thiest.

Nope. Well, not ABSOLUTELY nope, but all the 'important' groups would be Animist, just like all the important Heortling groups are Theist.

>3. Praxian tribes are just crap at magic. The tribial big wigs have a few
>fetishes/spirits, Joe Bloggs has a fetish if he is lucky.

Yup. I'd say a load of Integrated Spirits (but still nowhere near one each), a few fetishes spread through a player-sized group, and a mob of Shamans, as many as there are God-Talkers & Priests combined in Theistic societies. Nonetheless, I wouldn't say crap, just less willing to solve a problem by magic, as it's limited and often one-use. Praxians are unsuited to the 'dungeon-delving' sort of adventure, more to bigger groups, with a Shaman along to provide support. The same rules apply to Grazers, look at the writeup of them for clues. Everyone might also be taught Tradition skills, allowing them to assist in refilling their own fetishes.

Of course, just my uninformed opinion.


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