Re: Advancement and Currency (Was: Improving magical items)

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 13:08:57 -0400

Mike, I understand your dilemma, but am not familiar with the "baroque currency based resolution method". Could you explain?

On 26 May 2004 at 9:39, Mike Holmes wrote:

> This is why I created the baroque currency based resolution method. I'm
> not actually using it, and I have no idea if it's even useable. But the
> idea is that it gives a risk to getting larger payoffs. I think this seems
> reasonable as a guidline. That is, if there's no risk to the character,
> then the payoff should be minimal - one HP to start a new ability at 13,
> or raise an ability by one (or even worse ratio if it's costly). But, as
> we can see from gaining keywords such as new religions, if you take that
> risk, you can reap larger rewards. This is what we want to see from
> players, anyhow, isn't it? Basically players should be rewarded for taking
> risks with larger potential payoffs, no?

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