Re: Gaining new charms

From: Raśl <eikinskialdi_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 08:53:46 -0000

> > Can an animist gain new charms of a different tradition/practice?
> Generally the answer would be: "not without trouble".

It sounds to me as "Yes, but.." :)

> Were they Common Magic? (it's probably easiest to say "they're
> common magic" unless you specifically noted otherwise).

They were not Common Magic, the charms came from a strange and unknown tradition to him.

> If they are common magic charms, then I'd let him have them for
> the noirmal HP cost.

Yes, it is right to me.
My confusion was raised because the charms aren't common magic.

> Common magic charms come from no particular tradition. Thus,
> it "does not stem from his tradition".

But "(such as common magic charms)" seems to indicate more applicable cases apart from Common Magic.

> Because the charm isn't "friendly" to the hero, you might want to
> play out the scene - his Spirit Face (or other, appropriate,
> ability, which "Worship [Great Spirit]" probably *isn't*) vrs the
> Spirit's power (which might not be what is shown in the charm
> - Practice Spirits often have several abilities).

A shaman can use and create charms out from his tradition/practice using his Fetch ability, then a practitioner using Spirit Face (or other appropiate ability) should have an improvising modifier, should not he?

and the case of a spiritist?

> If he wins, then he has a charm. Charge him the normal
> "Concentrated" HP cost to cement it. If he wants to cement it with
> HP without rolling, then fine, though since it's not a "friendly"
> spirit, you might charge the "unconcentrated" price even though the
> hero is concentrated (this is the same as the "Out of Play" charge,
> basically. Even though he played out the theft, actually being able
> to *use* the charm is a different contest...).

Thanks, it is ok to me :)

A last question.
What if the Hero wants to cement a stolen fetish? I think he only could use the fetish as a charm until he manages of some way to raise a friendly relationship with the spirit.

Thanks again


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