Re: Playing the game

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 09:43:04 -0700

> 1. A theist character get into a fight against a shaman (or wizard
> maybe). If the shaman attacks with an animist spirit, do you defend
> with your best (appropriate) magical ability at -20 (alin world
> Penalty)?

You only need to worry about the Alien World penalty if you are *in* the alien world. You don't face that particular penalty when defending against magic from another otherworld.

So following that logic they attack at -20? So why
> bother with the math? Are there any that do not suffer alien world
> penalties?

Spirits, Daimones and Essences from the Middle World (there are lots of them) do not suffer the alien world penalty in the Middle World. It's only beings that live in the otherworld and manifest in this one that face that AW penalty. I'm pretty sure that Spirits bound into fetishes and charms do *not* suffer the AW penalty, as they are "embodied" in the Middle World and so count as "living here". It would only be a spirit summoned directly through a Open Spirit World ritual that would suffer the AW penalty.

> 2. Magical attacks. You can modify magical attacks with mundane
> abilities, or not? I can't find anything in the rulebook on this.
> Anyone able to volunteer a page number?

Yes. "Your hero can use one ability to increase the rating of another" (Page 79). All abilities, whether magical or mundane are included in this statement. Hero*Wars* had a prohibition against modifying Magical with Mundane, we removed that prohibition in Hero*Quest*

> 3. If you are an Orlanth Devotee, say, Destor - but you wanted the
> Flight Affinity of Vanaganth - can you pay your Hero Point and learn
> the affinity? Or the Feats?


All without any additional time to
> pay. What mechanism is there, bar Narrator intervention, that bars
> a player from having all of the affinities of all of the Orlanth
> Adventurous subcults? I read the Theist section of the rulebook and
> it has left me a little confused.

Nothing, barring narrator intervention and heroquest costs. Unless the player wants to play out going to each subcult and requesting to learn the magic (allowing the narrator to intervene by saying "The godi doesn't like the way you asked. He says: 'Go away until you learn some manners.' "), it should probably cost the "2x out of play" price to do it. This can get awfully expensive!

> For the record, I am happy to let players *buy* individual feats,
> but they have to be from shrines of the thunder brother, but the
> Godi of the shrine and the clan must have some reason, like a Boon
> or service rendered, not just a hi I'm Boggi Runeson, I want you to
> teach me Searing Bolt from your Finovan shrine - I'm a Devotee of
> Destor don't you know!

The First Rule, page 177.

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

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