Re: Initiates using feats.

From: jorganos <joe_at_...>
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 13:46:15 -0000

> Yes, I'm comparing feats with feats, not apples with
> bananas. Neither used actively. Admittedly when used
> as an augment, the difference between 12 and 13 isn't
> all that significant, but the fact that the feat from
> the "other" sub-cult is easier to use than my own one
> seems Wrong.

Not to me: in one case you have used up a hero point (i.e. considerable personal time and achievement) to gain the ability, in the other case you use your Vingan affinity more or less "for free".

What would be interesting would be a feat from your own affinity which you chose to cement as active ability and train to high levels. Say, use one of your initial 2W abilities on a feat (for active use) and train it up... like e.g. flying. Sort of back to RuneQuest where initiates had to pick from their deity's magic store and pay not in hero points but in POW. I'd hesitate to call this "common magic", especially since its use is intended to be active.

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