Re: Initiates using feats.

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 13:50:59 -0500

>From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>

>Except that improving affinities even at character creation is triple
>cost, according to the FAQ.
>"...raising an affinity by +1 costs 3 hero points, and it costs 3
>points during character creation as well".
>Which gives another reason for improving a feat - you can afford to
>start with +10 in a feat even with the standard 20 point allocation.

I'm with Paul, here. I think there are loads of reasons, mechanical and otherwise to have a devotee (these objections are starting to sound like those of the rebels in Life of Brian, "What's being a devotee give you. Besides greater flexibility within the Affinities. And higher levels with Feats. And secrets...).

More importantly, somehow players in my games keep choosing to be devotees as often as initiates. So from a practical stance, I can tell you it works fine.


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